036 Inscripción
Json Structure
A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:
- YYYY: year
- MM: month
- DD: day
✓ = mandatory data
C = conditional data
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Data Type | Size | Value |
status | ✓ | Event code | N | 3 | 036 |
description | ✓ | Text describing the Registration | A | 0-500 | |
operationType | ✓ | Registration Code 361 = First registration of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange for General Negotiation 362 = First registration of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange for Direct Previous Negotiation 363 = Subsequent registration of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange for General Negotiation 364 = Subsequent registration of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange for Direct Previous Negotiation | N | 3 | |
IDEmisor | ✓ | NIT of the Issuer of the electronic invoice to register | N | 3-13 | |
IDEmisorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Issuer of the electronic invoice to register | N | 2 | |
NombreEmisor | ✓ | Name of the Issuer of the electronic invoice to register | A | 5-450 | |
IDEndosatario | C | NIT of the Endorsee [!badge variant="dark" text="when operationType is = to 362 or 364"]. | N | 3-13 | |
NombreEndosatario | C | Name of the Endorsee [!badge variant="dark" text="when operationType is = to 362 or 364"] | A | 5-450 | |
valuePaid | ✓ | Value paid by the registration receiver. Can be 0. | N | 1-20 | |
valueInvoice | ✓ | Total value of the electronic invoice to register. | N | 1-20 | |
InvoiceID | ✓ | ID of the electronic invoice to register | A | 50 | |
docType | ✓ | Type of the electronic invoice to register | N | 2 | 01 |
CUFEInvoice | ✓ | CUFE of the electronic invoice to register | A | 96 | |
IssueDate | ✓ | Issue date of the electronic invoice to register | F | 10 | |
EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Expiry date of the electronic invoice to register | F | 10 |
JSON Example
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 036 with type 361 is sent.
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 036 with type 362 is sent.
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
037 Endoso en Propiedad
Json Structure
A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:
- YYYY: year
- MM: month
- DD: day
✓ = mandatory data
C = conditional data
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Data Type | Size | Value |
status | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 | 037 |
description | ✓ | Text describing the Endorsement | A | 0-500 | |
operationType | ✓ | Endorsement Code 371 = Endorsement with endorser's responsibility 372 = Endorsement without endorser's responsibility | N | 3 | |
IDEmisor | C | NIT of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 3-13 | |
IDEmisorTipo | C | Type of identification of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 2 | |
NombreEmisor | C | Name of the Endorsement Issuer | A | 5-450 | |
IDEndosatario | ✓ | NIT of the Endorsement Receiver | N | 3-13 | |
NombreEndosatario | ✓ | Name of the Endorsement Receiver | A | 5-450 | |
TipoEndoso | ✓ | Type of Endorsement identification 1 = Complete - Endorsement that includes the date, name and signature of the Endorser, and name and document number of the Endorsee 2 = In blank - Endorsement that contains the signature of the Endorser and the document number of the Endorsee | N | 1 | |
TipoFactor | C | This element should be informed when the endorsement is generated towards a Factor 1 = Factoring 2 = Confirming | N | 1 | |
valuePaid | ✓ | Value paid by Endorsement receiver | N | 1-20 | |
valueInvoice | ✓ | Total value of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20 | |
PrecioPagarseEndoso | ✓ | Price to pay for the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20 | |
TasaDescuentoEndoso | ✓ | Discount rate of the endorsement | N | 0-7 | |
MedioPago | ✓ | Payment method of the endorsement | N | 1-3 | |
Moneda | ✓ | Currency type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3 | |
InvoiceID | ✓ | ID of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 50 | |
docType | ✓ | Type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2 | 01 |
CUFEInvoice | ✓ | CUFE of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 96 | |
IDReceptor | ✓ | NIT of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3-13 | |
IDReceptorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2 | |
NombreReceptor | ✓ | Name of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 5-450 | |
IssueDate | ✓ | Issue date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10 | |
EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Expiry date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10 |
JSON Example
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 037 with type 371 and "Tipo de Endoso" = 1 is sent.
"description":"Endoso en Propiedad",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 037 with type 371 and "Tipo de Endoso" = 2 is sent.
"description":"Endoso en Propiedad",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
038 Endoso en Garantía
Json Structure
A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:
- YYYY: year
- MM: month
- DD: day
✓ = mandatory data
C = conditional data
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Data Type | Size | Value |
status | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 | 038 |
description | ✓ | Text describing the Endorsement | A | 0-500 | |
operationType | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 | 038 |
IDEmisor | C | NIT of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 3-13 | |
IDEmisorTipo | C | Type of identification of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 2 | |
NombreEmisor | C | Name of the Endorsement Issuer | A | 5-450 | |
IDEndosatario | ✓ | NIT of the Endorsement Receiver | N | 3-13 | |
NombreEndosatario | ✓ | Name of the Endorsement Receiver | A | 5-450 | |
TipoEndoso | ✓ | Type of Endorsement identification 1 = Complete - Endorsement that includes the date, name and signature of the Endorser, and name and document number of the Endorsee 2 = In blank - Endorsement that contains the signature of the Endorser and the document number of the Endorsee | N | 1 | |
valuePaid | ✓ | Value paid by Endorsement receiver | N | 1-20 | |
valueInvoice | ✓ | Total value of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20 | |
PrecioPagarseEndoso | ✓ | Price to pay for the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20 | |
TasaDescuentoEndoso | ✓ | Discount rate of the endorsement | N | 0-7 | |
MedioPago | ✓ | Payment method of the endorsement | N | 1-3 | |
Moneda | ✓ | Currency type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3 | |
InvoiceID | ✓ | ID of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 50 | |
docType | ✓ | Type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2 | 01 |
CUFEInvoice | ✓ | CUFE of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 96 | |
IDReceptor | ✓ | NIT of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3-13 | |
IDReceptorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2 | |
NombreReceptor | ✓ | Name of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 5-450 | |
IssueDate | ✓ | Issue date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10 | |
EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Expiry date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10 |
JSON Example
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 038 with "Tipo de Endoso" = 1 is sent.
"description":"Endoso en Garantía",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 038 with "Tipo de Endoso" = 2 is sent.
"description":"Endoso en Garantía",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
039 Endoso en Procuración
Json Structure
A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:
- YYYY: year
- MM: month
- DD: day
✓ = mandatory data
C = conditional data
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Data Type | Size | Value
:--- | :---: | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---
status | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 |039
description | ✓ | Text describing the Endorsement | A | 0-500
operationType | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 |039
IDEmisor | C | NIT of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 3-13
IDEmisorTipo | C | Type of identification of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 2
NombreEmisor | C | Name of the Endorsement Issuer | A | 5-450
IDEndosatario | ✓ | NIT of the Endorsement Receiver | N | 3-13
NombreEndosatario | ✓ | Name of the Endorsement Receiver | A | 5-450
TipoEndoso | ✓ | Type of Endorsement identification
1 = Complete - Endorsement that includes the date, name and signature of the Endorser, and name and document number of the Endorsee
2 = In blank - Endorsement that contains the signature of the Endorser and the document number of the Endorsee | N | 1
valuePaid | ✓ | Value paid by Endorsement receiver | N | 1-20
valueInvoice | ✓ | Total value of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20
PrecioPagarseEndoso | ✓ | Price to pay for the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20
TasaDescuentoEndoso | ✓ | Discount rate of the endorsement | N | 0-7
MedioPago | ✓ | Payment method of the endorsement | N | 1-3
Moneda | ✓ | Currency type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3
InvoiceID | ✓ | ID of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 50
docType | ✓ | Type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2 | 01
CUFEInvoice | ✓ | CUFE of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 96
IDReceptor | ✓ | NIT of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3-13
IDReceptorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2
NombreReceptor | ✓ | Name of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 5-450
IssueDate | ✓ | Issue date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10
EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Expiry date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10
JSON Example
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 039 with "Tipo de Endoso" = 1 is sent.
"description":"Endoso en Procuracion",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 039 with "Tipo de Endoso" = 2 is sent.
"description":"Endoso en Procuracion",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
040 Cancelación de Endoso
Json Structure
A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:
- YYYY: year
- MM: month
- DD: day
✓ = mandatory data
C = conditional data
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Data Type | Size | Value |
status | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 | 040 |
operationType | ✓ | Type of Endorsement Cancellation 401 = Cancellation of Guarantee Endorsement 402 = Cancellation of Procuration Endorsement | N | 3 | |
IDEmisor | ✓ | NIT of the Issuer of the Cancellation | N | 3-13 | |
IDEmisorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Issuer of the Cancellation | N | 2 | |
NombreEmisor | ✓ | Name of the Issuer of the Cancellation | A | 5-450 | |
IDEndosatario | ✓ | NIT of the Endorsement Receiver | N | 3-13 | |
NombreEndosatario | ✓ | Name of the Endorsement Receiver | A | 5-450 | |
TipoEndoso | ✓ | Type of identification of the Endorsement to Cancel 038 = Guarantee Endorsement 039 = Procuration Endorsement | N | 3 | |
IDEndoso | ✓ | ID of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 50 | |
CUDEEndoso | ✓ | CUFE of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 96 | |
Motivo | C | Reason for the cancellation of the Endorsement. Applies only for cancelling a Procuration Endorsement type 038 | A | 0-500 | |
EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Expiry date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10 |
JSON Example
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 040 cancelling "Endoso en Garantía" 038 is sent.
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 040 cancelling "Endoso en Procuración" 039 is sent.
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
045 Pago
Json Structure
A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:
- YYYY: year
- MM: month
- DD: day
✓ = mandatory data
C = conditional data
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Data Type | Size | Value |
status | ✓ | Event Code | N | 3 | 045 |
operationType | ✓ | Type of Payment of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange 451 = Partial payment of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange 452 = Total payment of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange | N | 3 | |
IDEmisor | ✓ | NIT of the Payment Issuer | N | 3-13 | |
IDEmisorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Payment | N | 2 | |
NombreEmisor | ✓ | Name of the Payment Issuer | A | 5-450 | |
TipoPago | ✓ | Type of identification of the Payment 1 = Without limitation - Payment of the invoice without limitation 2 = With limitation - Payment of the invoice with limitation | N | 1 | |
ValorActualTituloValor | ✓ | Current value of the bill of exchange | N | 1-20 | |
ValorPendienteTituloValor | ✓ | Outstanding balance of the total value as of this payment date | N | 1-20 | |
ValorPagado | ✓ | Amount Paid on the total value of the FEV or Bill of Exchange | N | 1-20 | |
InvoiceID | ✓ | ID of the electronic invoice bill of exchange | A | 50 | |
docType | ✓ | Type of the electronic invoice bill of exchange | N | 2 | 01 |
CUFEInvoice | ✓ | CUFE of the electronic invoice bill of exchange | A | 96 | |
FechaPago | ✓ | Payment date of the electronic invoice bill of exchange | F | 10 | |
EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Expiry date of the electronic invoice to register | F | 10 |
JSON Example
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 045 with type 451 is sent.
"description":"Pago de factura",
"NombreEmisor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 045 with type 452 is sent.
"description":"Pago de factura",
"NombreEmisor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
046 Informe para Pago
Json Structure
A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:
- YYYY: year
- MM: month
- DD: day
✓ = mandatory data
C = conditional data
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Data Type | Size | Value |
status | ✓ | Event Code | N | 3 | 046 |
description | ✓ | Text describing the event | A | 0-500 | |
IDEmisor | ✓ | NIT of the Issuer of the Payment Report | N | 3-13 | |
IDEmisorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Issuer of the Payment Report | N | 2 | |
NombreEmisor | ✓ | Name of the Issuer of the Payment Report | A | 5-450 | |
valueInvoice | ✓ | Total value of the electronic invoice to register | N | 1-20 | |
InvoiceID | ✓ | ID of the electronic bill of exchange invoice | A | 50 | |
docType | ✓ | Type of the electronic bill of exchange invoice | N | 2 | 01 |
CUFEInvoice | ✓ | CUFE of the electronic bill of exchange invoice | A | 96 | |
IDReceptor | ✓ | NIT of the Receiver of the electronic bill of exchange invoice | N | 3-13 | |
IDReceptorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Receiver of the electronic bill of exchange invoice | N | 2 | |
NombreReceptor | ✓ | Name of the Receiver of the electronic bill of exchange invoice | A | 5-450 | |
IssueDate | ✓ | Issue date of the electronic bill of exchange invoice | F | 10 | |
EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Expiry date of the electronic bill of exchange invoice | F | 10 |
JSON Example
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 046 is sent.
"description":"Informe para pago",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
047 Endoso con efectos de Cesión Ordinaria
Json Structure
A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:
- YYYY: year
- MM: month
- DD: day
✓ = mandatory data
C = conditional data
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Data Type | Size | Value |
status | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 | 047 |
description | ✓ | Text describing the Endorsement | A | 0-500 | |
operationType | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 | 047 |
IDEmisor | ✓ | NIT of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 3-13 | |
IDEmisorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 2 | |
NombreEmisor | ✓ | Name of the Endorsement Issuer | A | 5-450 | |
IDEndosatario | ✓ | NIT of the Endorsement Receiver | N | 3-13 | |
NombreEndosatario | ✓ | Name of the Endorsement Receiver | A | 5-450 | |
TipoFactor | C | This element should be informed when the endorsement is generated towards a Factor 1 = Factoring 2 = Confirming | N | 1 | |
valuePaid | ✓ | Value paid by Endorsement receiver | N | 1-20 | |
valueInvoice | ✓ | Total value of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20 | |
PrecioPagarseEndoso | ✓ | Price to pay for the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20 | |
TasaDescuentoEndoso | ✓ | Discount rate of the endorsement | N | 0-7 | |
MedioPago | ✓ | Payment method of the endorsement | N | 1-3 | |
Moneda | ✓ | Currency type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3 | |
InvoiceID | ✓ | ID of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 50 | |
docType | ✓ | Type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2 | 01 |
CUFEInvoice | ✓ | CUFE of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 96 | |
IDReceptor | ✓ | NIT of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3-13 | |
IDReceptorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2 | |
NombreReceptor | ✓ | Name of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 5-450 | |
IssueDate | ✓ | Issue date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10 | |
EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Expiry date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10 |
JSON Example
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 047 is sent.
"description":"Endoso con efectos de cesión ordinaria",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
048 Protesto
Json Structure
A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:
- YYYY: year
- MM: month
- DD: day
✓ = mandatory data
C = conditional data
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Data Type | Size | Value
:--- | :---: | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---
status | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 |047
description | ✓ | Text describing the Endorsement | A | 0-500
operationType | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 |047
IDEmisor | ✓ | NIT of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 3-13
IDEmisorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 2
NombreEmisor | ✓ | Name of the Endorsement Issuer | A | 5-450
IDEndosatario | ✓ | NIT of the Endorsement Receiver | N | 3-13
NombreEndosatario | ✓ | Name of the Endorsement Receiver | A | 5-450
TipoFactor | C | This element should be informed when the endorsement is generated towards a Factor
1 = Factoring
2 = Confirming | N | 1
valuePaid | ✓ | Value paid by Endorsement receiver | N | 1-20
valueInvoice | ✓ | Total value of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20
PrecioPagarseEndoso | ✓ | Price to pay for the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20
TasaDescuentoEndoso | ✓ | Discount rate of the endorsement | N | 0-7
MedioPago | ✓ | Payment method of the endorsement | N | 1-3
Moneda | ✓ | Currency type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3
InvoiceID | ✓ | ID of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 50
docType | ✓ | Type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2 | 01
CUFEInvoice | ✓ | CUFE of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 96
IDReceptor | ✓ | NIT of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3-13
IDReceptorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2
NombreReceptor | ✓ | Name of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 5-450
IssueDate | ✓ | Issue date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10
EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Expiry date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10
JSON Example
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 047 and type = 481 is sent.
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
"NombreNotario":"Notario 1",
"ApellidoNotario":"Notario 2",
"TituloNotario":"Notario principal",
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 047 and type = 482 is sent.
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
"NombreNotario":"Notario 1",
"ApellidoNotario":"Notario 2",
"TituloNotario":"Notario principal",
049 Transferencia de los derechos económicos
Json Structure
A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:
- YYYY: year
- MM: month
- DD: day
✓ = mandatory data
C = conditional data
Parámetro | Obligatorio | Descripción | Tipo de dato | Tamaño | Valor |
status | ✓ | Código de la Transferencia | N | 3 | 049 |
description | ✓ | Texto que describe la Transferencia | A | 0-500 | |
operationType | ✓ | Código de la Transferencia 491 = Transferencia parcial de los derechos económicos con responsabilidad 492 = Transferencia total de los derechos económicos con responsabilidad 493 = Transferencia parcial de los derechos económicos sin responsabilidad 494 = Transferencia total de los derechos económicos sin responsabilidad | N | 3 | |
IDEmisor | ✓ | NIT del Emisor del Endoso | N | 3-13 | |
IDEmisorTipo | ✓ | Tipo de identificación del Emisor del Endoso | N | 2 | |
NombreEmisor | ✓ | Nombre del Emisor del Endoso | A | 5-450 | |
IDEndosatario | ✓ | NIT del Receptor del Endoso | N | 3-13 | |
NombreEndosatario | ✓ | Nombre del Receptor del Endoso | A | 5-450 | |
ValorParcial | C | Este valor corresponde parcialmente al valor de la factura a transferir | N | 1-20 | |
valueInvoice | C | Este valor corresponde total al valor de la factura a transferir | N | 1-20 | |
PrecioPagarseEndoso | ✓ | Precio a pagar de la factura electrónica a transferir | N | 1-20 | |
TasaDescuentoEndoso | ✓ | Tasa de descuento de la transferencia | N | 0-7 | |
MedioPago | ✓ | Medio de pago de la transferencia | N | 1-3 | |
Moneda | ✓ | Tipo moneda de la factura electrónica a transferir | N | 3 | |
InvoiceID | ✓ | ID de la factura electrónica a transferir | A | 50 | |
docType | ✓ | Tipo de la factura electrónica a transferir | N | 2 | 01 |
CUFEInvoice | ✓ | CUFE de la factura electrónica a transferir | A | 96 | |
IDReceptor | ✓ | NIT del Receptor de la factura electrónica a transferir | N | 3-13 | |
IDReceptorTipo | ✓ | Tipo de identificación del Receptor de la factura electrónica a transferir | N | 2 | |
NombreReceptor | ✓ | Nombre del Receptor de la factura electrónica a transferir | A | 5-450 | |
IssueDate | ✓ | Fecha de emisón de la factura electrónica a transferir | F | 10 | |
EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Fecha de vencimiento de la factura electrónica a transferir | F | 10 |
JSON Example
En el siguiente ejemplo mostramos cómo realizar una petición Json donde se envia unevento 049 tipo 491.
"description":"Transferencia de los derechos económicos",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
050 Notificación de la transferencia de derechos económicos
Json Structure
A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:
- YYYY: year
- MM: month
- DD: day
✓ = mandatory data
C = conditional data
Parámetro | Obligatorio | Descripción | Tipo de dato | Tamaño | Valor |
status | ✓ | Código del evento | N | 3 | 050 |
description | ✓ | Texto que describe el evento | A | 0-500 | |
IDEmisor | ✓ | NIT del Emisor del Informe para el pago | N | 3-13 | |
IDEmisorTipo | ✓ | Tipo de identificación del Emisor del Informe para el pago | N | 2 | |
NombreEmisor | ✓ | Nombre del Emisor del Informe para el pago | A | 5-450 | |
ValorActual | ✓ | Valor actual del título valor | N | 1-20 | |
InvoiceID | ✓ | ID de la factura electrónica título valor | A | 50 | |
docType | ✓ | Tipo de la factura electrónica título valor | N | 2 | 01 |
CUFEInvoice | ✓ | CUFE de la factura electrónica título valor | A | 96 | |
IDReceptor | ✓ | NIT del Receptor de la factura electrónica título valor | N | 3-13 | |
IDReceptorTipo | ✓ | Tipo de identificación del Receptor de la factura electrónica título valor | N | 2 | |
NombreReceptor | ✓ | Nombre del Receptor de la factura electrónica título valor | A | 5-450 | |
IssueDate | ✓ | Fecha de emisón de la factura electrónica título valor | F | 10 | |
EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Fecha de vencimiento de la factura electrónica título valor | F | 10 |
JSON Example
En el siguiente ejemplo mostramos cómo realizar una petición Json donde se envia un evento 050.
"description":"Notificación al deudor sobre la transferencia de los derechos económicos",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
051 Pago de la transferencia de derechos económicos
Json Structure
A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:
- YYYY: year
- MM: month
- DD: day
✓ = mandatory data
C = conditional data
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Data Type | Size | Value |
status | ✓ | Event Code | N | 3 | 051 |
operationType | ✓ | Type of Payment 511 = Partial payment of the transfer of economic rights 512 = Total payment of the transfer of economic rights | N | 3 | |
IDEmisor | ✓ | NIT of the Payment Issuer | N | 3-13 | |
IDEmisorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Payment | N | 2 | |
NombreEmisor | ✓ | Name of the Payment Issuer | A | 5-450 | |
TipoPago | ✓ | Type of identification of the Payment 1 = Without limitation - Payment of the invoice without limitation 2 = With limitation - Payment of the invoice with limitation | N | 1 | |
ValorActualTituloValor | ✓ | Current value of the bill of exchange | N | 1-20 | |
ValorPendienteTituloValor | ✓ | Outstanding balance of the total value as of this payment date | N | 1-20 | |
ValorPagado | ✓ | Amount Paid on the total value of the FEV or Bill of Exchange | N | 1-20 | |
InvoiceID | ✓ | ID of the electronic bill of exchange invoice | A | 50 | |
docType | ✓ | Type of the electronic bill of exchange invoice | N | 2 | 01 |
CUFEInvoice | ✓ | CUFE of the electronic bill of exchange invoice | A | 96 | |
FechaPago | ✓ | Payment date of the electronic bill of exchange invoice | F | 10 | |
EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Expiry date of the electronic invoice to register | F | 10 |
JSON Example
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 051 with type 511 is sent.
"description":"Pago de factura",
"NombreEmisor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 051 with type 512 is sent.
"description":"Pago de factura",
"NombreEmisor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",