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036 Inscripción

Json Structure

A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:

  • YYYY: year
  • MM: month
  • DD: day

= mandatory data
C = conditional data

ParameterMandatoryDescriptionData TypeSizeValue
statusEvent codeN3036
descriptionText describing the RegistrationA0-500
operationTypeRegistration Code

361 = First registration of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange for General Negotiation
362 = First registration of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange for Direct Previous Negotiation
363 = Subsequent registration of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange for General Negotiation
364 = Subsequent registration of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange for Direct Previous Negotiation
IDEmisorNIT of the Issuer of the electronic invoice to registerN3-13
IDEmisorTipoType of identification of the Issuer of the electronic invoice to registerN2
NombreEmisorName of the Issuer of the electronic invoice to registerA5-450
IDEndosatarioCNIT of the Endorsee [!badge variant="dark" text="when operationType is = to 362 or 364"].N3-13
NombreEndosatarioCName of the Endorsee [!badge variant="dark" text="when operationType is = to 362 or 364"]A5-450
valuePaidValue paid by the registration receiver. Can be 0.N1-20
valueInvoiceTotal value of the electronic invoice to register.N1-20
InvoiceIDID of the electronic invoice to registerA50
docTypeType of the electronic invoice to registerN201
CUFEInvoiceCUFE of the electronic invoice to registerA96
IssueDateIssue date of the electronic invoice to registerF10
EndDateInvoiceExpiry date of the electronic invoice to registerF10

JSON Example

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 036 with type 361 is sent.

"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 036 with type 362 is sent.

"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",

037 Endoso en Propiedad

Json Structure

A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:

  • YYYY: year
  • MM: month
  • DD: day

= mandatory data
C = conditional data

ParameterMandatoryDescriptionData TypeSizeValue
statusEndorsement CodeN3037
descriptionText describing the EndorsementA0-500
operationTypeEndorsement Code

371 = Endorsement with endorser's responsibility
372 = Endorsement without endorser's responsibility
IDEmisorCNIT of the Endorsement IssuerN3-13
IDEmisorTipoCType of identification of the Endorsement IssuerN2
NombreEmisorCName of the Endorsement IssuerA5-450
IDEndosatarioNIT of the Endorsement ReceiverN3-13
NombreEndosatarioName of the Endorsement ReceiverA5-450
TipoEndosoType of Endorsement identification

1 = Complete - Endorsement that includes the date, name and signature of the Endorser, and name and document number of the Endorsee
2 = In blank - Endorsement that contains the signature of the Endorser and the document number of the Endorsee
TipoFactorCThis element should be informed when the endorsement is generated towards a Factor

1 = Factoring
2 = Confirming
valuePaidValue paid by Endorsement receiverN1-20
valueInvoiceTotal value of the electronic invoice to endorseN1-20
PrecioPagarseEndosoPrice to pay for the electronic invoice to endorseN1-20
TasaDescuentoEndosoDiscount rate of the endorsementN0-7
MedioPagoPayment method of the endorsementN1-3
MonedaCurrency type of the electronic invoice to endorseN3
InvoiceIDID of the electronic invoice to endorseA50
docTypeType of the electronic invoice to endorseN201
CUFEInvoiceCUFE of the electronic invoice to endorseA96
IDReceptorNIT of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorseN3-13
IDReceptorTipoType of identification of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorseN2
NombreReceptorName of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorseA5-450
IssueDateIssue date of the electronic invoice to endorseF10
EndDateInvoiceExpiry date of the electronic invoice to endorseF10

JSON Example

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 037 with type 371 and "Tipo de Endoso" = 1 is sent.

"description":"Endoso en Propiedad",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 037 with type 371 and "Tipo de Endoso" = 2 is sent.

"description":"Endoso en Propiedad",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",

038 Endoso en Garantía

Json Structure

A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:

  • YYYY: year
  • MM: month
  • DD: day

= mandatory data
C = conditional data

ParameterMandatoryDescriptionData TypeSizeValue
statusEndorsement CodeN3038
descriptionText describing the EndorsementA0-500
operationTypeEndorsement CodeN3038
IDEmisorCNIT of the Endorsement IssuerN3-13
IDEmisorTipoCType of identification of the Endorsement IssuerN2
NombreEmisorCName of the Endorsement IssuerA5-450
IDEndosatarioNIT of the Endorsement ReceiverN3-13
NombreEndosatarioName of the Endorsement ReceiverA5-450
TipoEndosoType of Endorsement identification

1 = Complete - Endorsement that includes the date, name and signature of the Endorser, and name and document number of the Endorsee
2 = In blank - Endorsement that contains the signature of the Endorser and the document number of the Endorsee
valuePaidValue paid by Endorsement receiverN1-20
valueInvoiceTotal value of the electronic invoice to endorseN1-20
PrecioPagarseEndosoPrice to pay for the electronic invoice to endorseN1-20
TasaDescuentoEndosoDiscount rate of the endorsementN0-7
MedioPagoPayment method of the endorsementN1-3
MonedaCurrency type of the electronic invoice to endorseN3
InvoiceIDID of the electronic invoice to endorseA50
docTypeType of the electronic invoice to endorseN201
CUFEInvoiceCUFE of the electronic invoice to endorseA96
IDReceptorNIT of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorseN3-13
IDReceptorTipoType of identification of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorseN2
NombreReceptorName of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorseA5-450
IssueDateIssue date of the electronic invoice to endorseF10
EndDateInvoiceExpiry date of the electronic invoice to endorseF10

JSON Example

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 038 with "Tipo de Endoso" = 1 is sent.

"description":"Endoso en Garantía",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 038 with "Tipo de Endoso" = 2 is sent.

"description":"Endoso en Garantía",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",

039 Endoso en Procuración

Json Structure

A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:

  • YYYY: year
  • MM: month
  • DD: day

= mandatory data
C = conditional data Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Data Type | Size | Value :--- | :---: | :--- | :---: | :---: | :--- status | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 |039 description | ✓ | Text describing the Endorsement | A | 0-500
operationType | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 |039 IDEmisor | C | NIT of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 3-13 IDEmisorTipo | C | Type of identification of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 2 NombreEmisor | C | Name of the Endorsement Issuer | A | 5-450 IDEndosatario | ✓ | NIT of the Endorsement Receiver | N | 3-13 NombreEndosatario | ✓ | Name of the Endorsement Receiver | A | 5-450 TipoEndoso | ✓ | Type of Endorsement identification

1 = Complete - Endorsement that includes the date, name and signature of the Endorser, and name and document number of the Endorsee
2 = In blank - Endorsement that contains the signature of the Endorser and the document number of the Endorsee | N | 1 valuePaid | ✓ | Value paid by Endorsement receiver | N | 1-20 valueInvoice | ✓ | Total value of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20 PrecioPagarseEndoso | ✓ | Price to pay for the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20 TasaDescuentoEndoso | ✓ | Discount rate of the endorsement | N | 0-7 MedioPago | ✓ | Payment method of the endorsement | N | 1-3 Moneda | ✓ | Currency type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3 InvoiceID | ✓ | ID of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 50 docType | ✓ | Type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2 | 01 CUFEInvoice | ✓ | CUFE of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 96
IDReceptor | ✓ | NIT of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3-13 IDReceptorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2 NombreReceptor | ✓ | Name of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 5-450 IssueDate | ✓ | Issue date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10 EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Expiry date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10

JSON Example

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 039 with "Tipo de Endoso" = 1 is sent.

"description":"Endoso en Procuracion",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 039 with "Tipo de Endoso" = 2 is sent.

"description":"Endoso en Procuracion",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",

040 Cancelación de Endoso

Json Structure

A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:

  • YYYY: year
  • MM: month
  • DD: day

= mandatory data
C = conditional data

ParameterMandatoryDescriptionData TypeSizeValue
statusEndorsement CodeN3040
operationTypeType of Endorsement Cancellation

401 = Cancellation of Guarantee Endorsement
402 = Cancellation of Procuration Endorsement
IDEmisorNIT of the Issuer of the CancellationN3-13
IDEmisorTipoType of identification of the Issuer of the CancellationN2
NombreEmisorName of the Issuer of the CancellationA5-450
IDEndosatarioNIT of the Endorsement ReceiverN3-13
NombreEndosatarioName of the Endorsement ReceiverA5-450
TipoEndosoType of identification of the Endorsement to Cancel

038 = Guarantee Endorsement
039 = Procuration Endorsement
IDEndosoID of the electronic invoice to endorseA50
CUDEEndosoCUFE of the electronic invoice to endorseA96
MotivoCReason for the cancellation of the Endorsement. Applies only for cancelling a Procuration Endorsement type 038A0-500
EndDateInvoiceExpiry date of the electronic invoice to endorseF10

JSON Example

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 040 cancelling "Endoso en Garantía" 038 is sent.

"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 040 cancelling "Endoso en Procuración" 039 is sent.

"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",

045 Pago

Json Structure

A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:

  • YYYY: year
  • MM: month
  • DD: day

= mandatory data
C = conditional data

ParameterMandatoryDescriptionData TypeSizeValue
statusEvent CodeN3045
operationTypeType of Payment of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange

451 = Partial payment of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange
452 = Total payment of the electronic sales invoice as a bill of exchange
IDEmisorNIT of the Payment IssuerN3-13
IDEmisorTipoType of identification of the PaymentN2
NombreEmisorName of the Payment IssuerA5-450
TipoPagoType of identification of the Payment

1 = Without limitation - Payment of the invoice without limitation
2 = With limitation - Payment of the invoice with limitation
ValorActualTituloValorCurrent value of the bill of exchangeN1-20
ValorPendienteTituloValorOutstanding balance of the total value as of this payment dateN1-20
ValorPagadoAmount Paid on the total value of the FEV or Bill of ExchangeN1-20
InvoiceIDID of the electronic invoice bill of exchangeA50
docTypeType of the electronic invoice bill of exchangeN201
CUFEInvoiceCUFE of the electronic invoice bill of exchangeA96
FechaPagoPayment date of the electronic invoice bill of exchangeF10
EndDateInvoiceExpiry date of the electronic invoice to registerF10

JSON Example

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 045 with type 451 is sent.

"description":"Pago de factura",
"NombreEmisor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 045 with type 452 is sent.

"description":"Pago de factura",
"NombreEmisor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",

046 Informe para Pago

Json Structure

A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:

  • YYYY: year
  • MM: month
  • DD: day

= mandatory data
C = conditional data

ParameterMandatoryDescriptionData TypeSizeValue
statusEvent CodeN3046
descriptionText describing the eventA0-500
IDEmisorNIT of the Issuer of the Payment ReportN3-13
IDEmisorTipoType of identification of the Issuer of the Payment ReportN2
NombreEmisorName of the Issuer of the Payment ReportA5-450
valueInvoiceTotal value of the electronic invoice to registerN1-20
InvoiceIDID of the electronic bill of exchange invoiceA50
docTypeType of the electronic bill of exchange invoiceN201
CUFEInvoiceCUFE of the electronic bill of exchange invoiceA96
IDReceptorNIT of the Receiver of the electronic bill of exchange invoiceN3-13
IDReceptorTipoType of identification of the Receiver of the electronic bill of exchange invoiceN2
NombreReceptorName of the Receiver of the electronic bill of exchange invoiceA5-450
IssueDateIssue date of the electronic bill of exchange invoiceF10
EndDateInvoiceExpiry date of the electronic bill of exchange invoiceF10

JSON Example

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 046 is sent.

"description":"Informe para pago",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",

047 Endoso con efectos de Cesión Ordinaria

Json Structure

A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:

  • YYYY: year
  • MM: month
  • DD: day

= mandatory data
C = conditional data

ParameterMandatoryDescriptionData TypeSizeValue
statusEndorsement CodeN3047
descriptionText describing the EndorsementA0-500
operationTypeEndorsement CodeN3047
IDEmisorNIT of the Endorsement IssuerN3-13
IDEmisorTipoType of identification of the Endorsement IssuerN2
NombreEmisorName of the Endorsement IssuerA5-450
IDEndosatarioNIT of the Endorsement ReceiverN3-13
NombreEndosatarioName of the Endorsement ReceiverA5-450
TipoFactorCThis element should be informed when the endorsement is generated towards a Factor

1 = Factoring
2 = Confirming
valuePaidValue paid by Endorsement receiverN1-20
valueInvoiceTotal value of the electronic invoice to endorseN1-20
PrecioPagarseEndosoPrice to pay for the electronic invoice to endorseN1-20
TasaDescuentoEndosoDiscount rate of the endorsementN0-7
MedioPagoPayment method of the endorsementN1-3
MonedaCurrency type of the electronic invoice to endorseN3
InvoiceIDID of the electronic invoice to endorseA50
docTypeType of the electronic invoice to endorseN201
CUFEInvoiceCUFE of the electronic invoice to endorseA96
IDReceptorNIT of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorseN3-13
IDReceptorTipoType of identification of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorseN2
NombreReceptorName of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorseA5-450
IssueDateIssue date of the electronic invoice to endorseF10
EndDateInvoiceExpiry date of the electronic invoice to endorseF10

JSON Example

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 047 is sent.

"description":"Endoso con efectos de cesión ordinaria",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",

048 Protesto

Json Structure

A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:

  • YYYY: year
  • MM: month
  • DD: day

= mandatory data
C = conditional data Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Data Type | Size | Value :--- | :---: | :--- | :---: | :---: | :--- status | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 |047 description | ✓ | Text describing the Endorsement | A | 0-500
operationType | ✓ | Endorsement Code | N | 3 |047 IDEmisor | ✓ | NIT of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 3-13 IDEmisorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Endorsement Issuer | N | 2 NombreEmisor | ✓ | Name of the Endorsement Issuer | A | 5-450 IDEndosatario | ✓ | NIT of the Endorsement Receiver | N | 3-13 NombreEndosatario | ✓ | Name of the Endorsement Receiver | A | 5-450 TipoFactor | C | This element should be informed when the endorsement is generated towards a Factor

1 = Factoring
2 = Confirming | N | 1 valuePaid | ✓ | Value paid by Endorsement receiver | N | 1-20 valueInvoice | ✓ | Total value of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20 PrecioPagarseEndoso | ✓ | Price to pay for the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 1-20 TasaDescuentoEndoso | ✓ | Discount rate of the endorsement | N | 0-7 MedioPago | ✓ | Payment method of the endorsement | N | 1-3 Moneda | ✓ | Currency type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3 InvoiceID | ✓ | ID of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 50 docType | ✓ | Type of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2 | 01 CUFEInvoice | ✓ | CUFE of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 96
IDReceptor | ✓ | NIT of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 3-13 IDReceptorTipo | ✓ | Type of identification of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | N | 2 NombreReceptor | ✓ | Name of the Receiver of the electronic invoice to endorse | A | 5-450 IssueDate | ✓ | Issue date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10 EndDateInvoice | ✓ | Expiry date of the electronic invoice to endorse | F | 10

JSON Example

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 047 and type = 481 is sent.

"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
"NombreNotario":"Notario 1",
"ApellidoNotario":"Notario 2",
"TituloNotario":"Notario principal",

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 047 and type = 482 is sent.

"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",
"NombreNotario":"Notario 1",
"ApellidoNotario":"Notario 2",
"TituloNotario":"Notario principal",

049 Transferencia de los derechos económicos

Json Structure

A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:

  • YYYY: year
  • MM: month
  • DD: day

= mandatory data
C = conditional data

ParámetroObligatorioDescripciónTipo de datoTamañoValor
statusCódigo de la TransferenciaN3049
descriptionTexto que describe la TransferenciaA0-500
operationTypeCódigo de la Transferencia

491 = Transferencia parcial de los derechos económicos con responsabilidad
492 = Transferencia total de los derechos económicos con responsabilidad
493 = Transferencia parcial de los derechos económicos sin responsabilidad
494 = Transferencia total de los derechos económicos sin responsabilidad
IDEmisorNIT del Emisor del EndosoN3-13
IDEmisorTipoTipo de identificación del Emisor del EndosoN2
NombreEmisorNombre del Emisor del EndosoA5-450
IDEndosatarioNIT del Receptor del EndosoN3-13
NombreEndosatarioNombre del Receptor del EndosoA5-450
ValorParcialCEste valor corresponde parcialmente al valor de la factura a transferirN1-20
valueInvoiceCEste valor corresponde total al valor de la factura a transferirN1-20
PrecioPagarseEndosoPrecio a pagar de la factura electrónica a transferirN1-20
TasaDescuentoEndosoTasa de descuento de la transferenciaN0-7
MedioPagoMedio de pago de la transferenciaN1-3
MonedaTipo moneda de la factura electrónica a transferirN3
InvoiceIDID de la factura electrónica a transferirA50
docTypeTipo de la factura electrónica a transferirN201
CUFEInvoiceCUFE de la factura electrónica a transferirA96
IDReceptorNIT del Receptor de la factura electrónica a transferirN3-13
IDReceptorTipoTipo de identificación del Receptor de la factura electrónica a transferirN2
NombreReceptorNombre del Receptor de la factura electrónica a transferirA5-450
IssueDateFecha de emisón de la factura electrónica a transferirF10
EndDateInvoiceFecha de vencimiento de la factura electrónica a transferirF10

JSON Example

En el siguiente ejemplo mostramos cómo realizar una petición Json donde se envia unevento 049 tipo 491.

"description":"Transferencia de los derechos económicos",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreEndosatario":"Éxito Viajes y Turismo",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",

050 Notificación de la transferencia de derechos económicos

Json Structure

A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:

  • YYYY: year
  • MM: month
  • DD: day

= mandatory data
C = conditional data

ParámetroObligatorioDescripciónTipo de datoTamañoValor
statusCódigo del eventoN3050
descriptionTexto que describe el eventoA0-500
IDEmisorNIT del Emisor del Informe para el pagoN3-13
IDEmisorTipoTipo de identificación del Emisor del Informe para el pagoN2
NombreEmisorNombre del Emisor del Informe para el pagoA5-450
ValorActualValor actual del título valorN1-20
InvoiceIDID de la factura electrónica título valorA50
docTypeTipo de la factura electrónica título valorN201
CUFEInvoiceCUFE de la factura electrónica título valorA96
IDReceptorNIT del Receptor de la factura electrónica título valorN3-13
IDReceptorTipoTipo de identificación del Receptor de la factura electrónica título valorN2
NombreReceptorNombre del Receptor de la factura electrónica título valorA5-450
IssueDateFecha de emisón de la factura electrónica título valorF10
EndDateInvoiceFecha de vencimiento de la factura electrónica título valorF10

JSON Example

En el siguiente ejemplo mostramos cómo realizar una petición Json donde se envia un evento 050.

"description":"Notificación al deudor sobre la transferencia de los derechos económicos",
"NombreEmisor":"Signature South Consulting",
"NombreReceptor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",

051 Pago de la transferencia de derechos económicos

Json Structure

A Alphanumeric: UNICODE characters allowed in XML are accepted; corresponds to the type xsd:normalizedString
N Numeric: only numbers "0" to "9", the decimal point, and the signs "+" and "-" are accepted
F Date: elements that must be informed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601-2 standard, in which:

  • YYYY: year
  • MM: month
  • DD: day

= mandatory data
C = conditional data

ParameterMandatoryDescriptionData TypeSizeValue
statusEvent CodeN3051
operationTypeType of Payment

511 = Partial payment of the transfer of economic rights
512 = Total payment of the transfer of economic rights
IDEmisorNIT of the Payment IssuerN3-13
IDEmisorTipoType of identification of the PaymentN2
NombreEmisorName of the Payment IssuerA5-450
TipoPagoType of identification of the Payment

1 = Without limitation - Payment of the invoice without limitation
2 = With limitation - Payment of the invoice with limitation
ValorActualTituloValorCurrent value of the bill of exchangeN1-20
ValorPendienteTituloValorOutstanding balance of the total value as of this payment dateN1-20
ValorPagadoAmount Paid on the total value of the FEV or Bill of ExchangeN1-20
InvoiceIDID of the electronic bill of exchange invoiceA50
docTypeType of the electronic bill of exchange invoiceN201
CUFEInvoiceCUFE of the electronic bill of exchange invoiceA96
FechaPagoPayment date of the electronic bill of exchange invoiceF10
EndDateInvoiceExpiry date of the electronic invoice to registerF10

JSON Example

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 051 with type 511 is sent.

"description":"Pago de factura",
"NombreEmisor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",

In the following example, we show how to make a Json request where an event 051 with type 512 is sent.

"description":"Pago de factura",
"NombreEmisor":"ALMACENES EXITO S A",